Edmondsham Land
The Project | The name Edmondsham | The British People | Charford AD519 | Mendip Castle, Richmount Folkmoot, Sir Isaac Newton | Edmondsham's contribution to Heritage & the Domesday Book | The Third Crusade | Thomas a Beckett to Robin Hood | Shields, Arms, Playing Cards, Chaucer's Knight | Edmondsham Court Today | The Next Website | The Author
The Project, The Land, The Family Tenure, This Website
This Project for Edmondsham some 26 years ago set out to prove the Root of Title – Descent (consanguinity) for Land to my Common Ancestor Humphrey Aureis Testiculis “HAT” Justificator at the head of the Treasury Justiciars, and to his full brother Aiulf first Viscount of Dorset and Somerset, the root back to the 1086 Survey. In doing that the Manorial position in 1290 at the point of Quia Emptores Terrarum could be derived for the Legal Court Baron and Leet at Common Law for the present day Open Common Land at Edmondsham for the open pasture and open woodland areas still as the first Feoffment in 1086. It is often forgotten that the landlord is also one of the Freeholders (ie all pre1290 tenementums) and one of the Commoners and so included in the Commoners Court. Part of this 1290 picture is the proof that the Chief Fee and mesne sub-Manor area at Sutton (Holms) is within HAT ownership, Sutton excluded by statute in all Inclosure Acts.
The Name Edmondsham, Socage Ancient Borough English that must be British, serving Albretesbeorg – the Borough that is now the Hundred Court of Cranborne
In a Heritage and Populist way this website promotes the contribution that Edmondsham has made to Britain's Heritage and Culture serving the Borough of Cranborne since AD527 to serving the Natural Wildlife from 2002 with Natural England's help. In Maps and my Family Tree it can be seen it's Heritage Status in land and the people with Open Common Land for Cranborne Chase (Edmondsham quite separate from Cranborne Manor Crown Grant as Chief Fee 1601) the Suit of Service in Socage from AD 527 that is Doda Office land (although Gheld free status) the service for socage is “HLAFLOD” payment of a Loaf of Bread by the Lord (Lord and Lady contractions of Hlaford and Hleafdien – proveditor of Ceres the afforder of life’s bounty, dien the server to the assembled here from the mills on the Rivers Ed and Crane) to the Hundred Court Baron – the recent purchase in 1795 of the Castle Mound is the exception as a freehold of Cranborne Manor Court. The Ancient British Tribe were the CAN people “Peala Cynn” where each Kin’s home location always begins with a C only ever on chalk (as did the Roman Villas) the Cann people at Cranborne “Creneburn” (1086) and at Canford “Cheneford” (1086) reaching to Cann Mound near Shaftesbury, and to latter day Tyneham (Christchurch up the River Avon) and to Wareham (up the River Stour).
It must be understood ODA (or) and DODA (or) with CADA (or) are not names of persons but titles/offices based on land around the Fort, the remaining fourth area was the Beorg (not 'Beorh' with tric for Boveridge meaning surrounding 'high' point) the aggregate of tuns or hams (could crop up anywhere) for a large area. Socage (out of which burgage that could then be converted to a Hundred) was always beside the Folkmoot of the Regio. Edmondsham lands are located right up to the Fence for the inclosure of the ancient Borough Settlement atop Castle Mound (only time a castle 1321-27). The British system from AD 527 after the House of Cerdic won the Battle of Cerdices Leaga to 1066 was the original unit FORT – Pen Knoll is Pentridge, to support the fort both Odo land as military or marcher “haflod” - Odiates now Woodyates, and Dodo land as military or marcher or priest at Dodreham now Damerham (Blagdon, Daggon with Batterley Drove to “Bokerley”) with the town people in the not-walled but fenced town at Castle Mound here Alfrid's Borough (so named at the centre of the Hundred 1084). (A)Ethelred I (died Martin 871 bur Wimborne) and descendants were given the Western State (Cranborne not in King Alfred's Will nor 33 Burghs – Forts), further to this King Edmund I divided Pentridge Fort with Martin, Woodyates to Damerham gifted to Glastonbury Abbey, the Regio to Etherlred's descendants...Aethelweard, Algar and Beorhtric 1066 in land boc (charter) but kept Doda office lands at Edmondsham to support the Borough (Alfrid's Berge at 1084 not to be confused Alfrid the Sheriff having the farm from
Cheneolton to Lulworth). Hence Edmunds ham so retained. This socage tenure in Edmondsham the descent to the youngest brother or survivor with widows the whole or half, and like the Kingship to collaterals back by custom or election where here the 3 Regios are Downton socage to the crescent Folkmoot and later Burgage MPs, the crescent Folkmoot socage at Corfe Rings extending to
Wareham where males and females an equal right to partition. It is certain 3 British Tribes existed a) east of River Avon up from Burley, b) between R.Avon and River Vin (Allen) centred on River Crane and c) between R.Vin (creating Wimborne) and River Stour centred on Pamphill and Kingston Earthworks and Moot; (the practice later at Taunton after 658 as bondland/overland to places in Surrey).
It was the custom of land descent decided by the Commoners with the Jurors taken from Freeholders that decided these variations within the Common Law of Descent. These Folkmoots met at least once on May day, keeping the practices after 1066 of Ordeal by Bread, Fire and Water and also by Combat as British judge – the (S) CIR. The Norman “Baro Minores” now consists of Open Land at Painsmoor of the Richard Payn Tenement and Sutton Holms corner and the River Banks for unalienated Land since 1086 at Edmondsham Orcuth that is Barnes Fields with Court Licence and Succession Arms for the legal manor (not mere reputed manor) as full Dignity.
It was clear the Descent of Lands at the Common Law of Descent with the Doctrine of Common Ancestor for Estates of Heritance was different for Edmondsham (no matter of the seizin in records) because of certain canons of descent for the custom (pre 1400 the principles the same for land or
copyholds) of Borough English, and the position of Edmondsham within the Cranborne Chase and Ancient Borough that became the Hundred Court in the 10th Century, Hundred Court Baron and Leet after 1086 and the last open air Folk Moot ca 1190 at Albretesbeorg that is today called “Castle Mound”. It was only a Castle confined to the period in the Despencer Wars 1321 – 1327 having
been vacant since the move to Cranborne Manor Hunting Lodge by 1215.
Edmondsham Court Baron and Leet consists of 2 Freeholders pre 1290 (unsold land at Barnes “the owner himself” and the R Payn Painsmoor); Chief, Mesne, and Sub Fees as at 1290 that are Sutton-Beauboys, Sutton-Justyn, Sutton-Plecy and Romford-Plecy – each level of Fee carries present day Fees in Freeholds and Common with the legal entity of “manor” not a place but unalienated Estate Fee for Payn and his Heirs forever with Court Licence 1296 and Dignity in the Newton/Scrope families until 1795 when Edmondsham Payn became the Chief Fee again. The Land Succession Arms clear pre 1290.
We have “gone full circle” where the Open Land (no inclosure except the Beorg Fence at Castle Mound for the Tun = Town where there is no Burgh recorded by K. Alfred for a walled fort) of 527 and 1086 and 1290 has slowly disappeared culminating in the Inclosure Act of 1802 uniquely the Chase practice of Deer Coppicing does not legally count as Private Inclosure, to 2002 when the Whole
Estate with the benefit of Natural England is National and Natural Heritage Status as Open Access for 1500 acres. Fields are not natural countryside!
The Wiltshire Neolithic Culture of the British People (to 1800 BC) later Peala Cynne reaching to the Dorset Cursus, here predominated by Middle Bronze Age structures as Round Houses built even after the Romans left
The two parts of the Dorset Cursus have moon alignments (48 lunations in one of two Cursi at Stonehenge). Neolithic “long-houses” and circular henge exist at the Pentridge end. This then contemporary with the Neolithic (datable to before 3000 BC) flattened circle and tump – in fact a SPHERICAL CAP of a sphere below ground – that is “Castle-Moot” on the Edmondsham Estate. Again HAT was the Steward of the Court by 1086, lately the Stillingfleets Stewards in the 18thCentury in their copyhold of the Curia lands. The top centre of this spherical cap at a height of 8.09 metres (1/12 of the diameter of 97.16 metres for the Orb), radii 26.85 metres, perimeter 168.7 metres the same as the crescent creates the Thom type A Lunar, Solar and Earth Calender through neolithic geometry and metrology of the Megalithic step and pace (units expand at Eulers No.) for the 5:12:13 rope measure with the natural expansion logarithm of E for 1:3:root10 (aligned the same ways as Borrowston Rigg henge).
After the First Crusade all architecture was changed to the Round “Jerusalem Chamber” with tent/stalls and circle of palm trees around a centre TALL PALM over the ceiling around which is the famed “Round Table” that was either Wood (last one at Winchester by Edw.I the original had no centre) or Purbeck Marble (because green/brown like a tree trunk) in Edw.III design for Windsor ca 1330. The Palm Jerusalem Room for Monks was always rectangular (later their chapter house). So the earliest at Worcester Cathedral of 10 palm branches with 7 stalls in each for Knights resting in the shade, that was overtook by Monks that became 12 sided, then 10, then 8 (a misnomer as “chapter house” therefore) then 4 sides became the square towers of today’s village churches with Bells that were always secular for the British Round Table from Arthurian legend from 508 AD no longer with a round table inside but is in all of our culture as the “village church tower”.
The House of Cerdic (after 509 AD) were the Kings of Britain (to C(G)wynedd trans. “the upper Realm” that included all of later called Mercia not just north Wales) there being no such State of Wessex or England ever – the A-S people mere settlors east of Winchester this Wessex so confused by historians not a location. Cerdic has their homeland at 480 hides between Salisbury and Christchurch to Wareham up to Shaftesbury (so being the inner Cranborne Chase later) with outlying marches and forest. The very reason for there being 6 Royal Forests at DB survey 1086 – Cranborne Chase coterminous with Holt Forest, New Forest and Grovely Forest with outer Clarendon and Windsor Forests. The marches to Devon, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. The area around Salisbury to the coast the centre of Britain therefore. King Alfred giving the administration of London to this land holder – his bother Aelthelred in his Great division of the country; only after this did the “centre” become the the vernacular “western state” western shires” and wrong vernacular “wessex”.
The Cranebeorg Hundred Rolls exist for the 17th Century (containing Sutton-Birches, Painsmoor etc.) and it proved necessary to go back to AD 527 to demonstrate the Ancient Borough particular Socage (never free and common by S.IV TAA 1645 amen 1660) for the unusual descent of Edmondsham for the Widow (dower at half) Eadgifu in 1086, Edmondsham Schelin to a youngest brother not the Baron of Shillingstone, Edmondsham HAT the youngest brother Baron William Payn (eldest Thomas Gourney, middle William Grand Commander Palestine) by 1226 including Sutton and nearest youngest male Heir (not oldest male heir) out of Bartholomew Payn, Sir Edward Payn and Baron Wiliam Payn rather than a collateral branch of John Payn and son Richard who had an Estate of Tenure (Dor FF 1321 No.(6) p.104 and DLSR 1330) for a tenementum (freehold pre 1290) only at Edmondsham and Stur Orcuth (later the Gussage All Saints boundary for the Hundred alternative Court elsewhere) as a Chief Rent in 1826.
The British State re-born around Fordingbridge as Charford AD 519 – the Map of AD 527
The four part unit of Fort, Odo land and Dodo as office Dux in latin or Constable and always in pairs but dispersed in the Regio of the Western State or Shires by 1066 and the Town and village Ham People aggregated to the Borough is here not the English Anglo-Saxon or Dane. It must be understood the title Oda and Dudda (as pairs with a leader, history books often translating Aeldorman) was based on lands in West Hampshire, Dorset, Devon, Somerset up to Gloucesteshire and Worcestershire – it is not a name – names are Oda Doroborn in 945, Ord (=Odo) Garth of Devon 971, his son Ord Ulf of Devon, military defence of Dorset in 845 Dudda with O(do)sric where later Odo Aethelwine as 1051 (Godwin Earl banished) “Earl” really Dux of the March of Dorset, Devon and Somerset then “Earl” of Worcestershire with his relative Aelfric Doda (this title styled after the name) dying at Deerhurst 1053 and Doda of Dorset, Devon and Gloucestershire and Worcestershire – his widow Eadgifu having Edmondsham in 1086 where Aelfric Doda was a Clerk in Odo Treasury at Wimborne Dorset, this Eadgifu husband Doda Cild from Woolacombe Devon 1046 – crucially the offices of Odo and Dodo were in the Tewkesbury (so Cranborne Priory) Founders book from before 700 to 1066 styled Duces of the Marches – this Dorset is not Wessex but Britain. The Doda lands kept up a Chantry and Burials at Pershore Abbey as part of this Western State.
To discover the Root of Title for the Rule of Descent as Ancient Borough English (that must be called Briton) as SELFGOVERNING COURT and TOWN as local Custom (ultimogeniture) within the Common Law (primogeniture) it was necessary for the best (not proleptic by later historians) original translations of documents. In that excellence this work seeks to emulate the local importance of the earliest recorders for the British State – ca 890 the “Anglo-Saxon” Chronicle written on the Dorset-Somerset border (only so called because of the later popular adopted Anglish language so used) after King Ine's family grew up here near Wimborne for the Tribal Hidage 690, and defining Laws of 694; for Aethlweard (Occidental Provinciae Dux and Chronicler after retiring as Monk to Cranborne Priory) translating the “A-S Chronicle” into latin by 998 and for a more detailed application of the ideas of T Dayrell Reed living in West Parley Dorset in his two books that inspired me to rediscover the British State reborn in AD 519 at the Battle of Ceredices Ford – Fordingbridge/Charford on the River Avon, Cerdic one of the Chiefs in civil war against King Arthur's nomination for King of Briton as Constantine his half brother's “Cador” son after fatally wounded in 508 – Ambrosius Aurelianus is King Arthur King of the Britons before 508, the Kingship of the British State taken in 519 just next to Edmondsham whereas the supplementary Kingship of the West Saxon people was not until AD 560 confined to people living east of Winchester.
The pattern of land ownership for Land-Boc, Land-Soc, Church-Soc, and sac and soc thereunder defined by these Battles as 3 "offices" not names of persons a Fort “Cado” Dux Bellorem(allod), to the west "Odo" Dux (socage land), to the east "Dodo" Dux (socage land), and the south a Tun (people owned inclosure messuages either as later Burgesses and Charter or reduced to Hundred Courts)
with a crescent Folk Moot at Duntun (present day Downton) and at Cranborne (Castle Mound) and at Corfe (Corfe Rings) where at the centre Whitsbury along the River Avon kept as Allod. Crucially the Socage for “Dodo” lands at Edmondsham is the defining characteristic for Ancient Borough Tun around the Folkmoot where the Rule of Descent to the youngest survivor brother then election back to collaterals is the same for all Socage Boroughs in this area the very same for British Kingship 7th Century to 10th Century. (S) Cir is the British word for Judge at Court – it is the Peala Cynne people here with settlements beginning with C, O or D in Dorset, Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire that is the Western State of Briton – the same at the norman Honor of Cranborne by 1071 later the Honor of Gloucester 1121 which Edmondsham has had to serve as Socage. HAT was granted to his blood and in Treasury Serjeanty 25% of the Honor of Cranborne acting as Steward also at Castle Mound next to Edmondsham.
The English (Anglo-Saxons) and Danes are settlors in our British State after AD412. We have great gratitude to the Briton Welsh for looking after the orphaned King Arthur – Ambrosius Aurelianus in the 5th Century. The Normans in the 12th Century revered Arthur for their taken Kingship of Britain. The Heart of Briton is the won Whitsbury Castle, Rockbourne and Damerham with Fordingbridge in AD 519 – same place as Charford for the States of Britain emanating out of Amesbury and the Bronze Age Culture down through the River Avon with the Dorset Cursus astronomy. Edmondsham serves the Folk Moot “Soc-Moot” for this Borough “town” of Cranborne defined as the Western State before the 10th Century.
This Western State of Britain clear in 945 Edmund I description of himself (and by his son) “King of the English (people) and the States (provincia in latin or regio or pagus) of Briton”. And further the British Constitution for the Laws of Edward the Confessor cap.35 “Omnes proceres regni, et milites, et liberi homines universi, totius regni (all the kingdom of Britain) Britanniae facere debent in pleno FOLCMOTE fidelitatem dominio Regi..”. Henry II revered King Arthur who is Ambrosius Aurelianus and this Kingship continued by Edward I to Henry VIII. The term folkmoot phonetically “socmoot” (already stated for large towns = boroughs) adapted to the norman FEE after 1086 to include Commoners Courts for example at Somerton, and Forest and Mining Courts (stannary) the best example being the assembly in the Mendip Hills that contains Harptree with the Fealty of Edmondsham and Stoupaine – the reason Edmondsham Court Barons were held at the Castle of Richmount for many centuries. The national Constitution is still that (the present day Queen) the Monarch is elected by Council (Moot). The Ceremony is the Three Swords that are inseparably the service from before 508 AD as CADOR’s Sword of Office – the service to dress the King on the day of Battle with the Sovereigns Sword of State, ODOR’s Sword of Office – the CURTANA – once held by the Goz, Champion and Constable at Tamworth (Scrivelsby) but split off to the Earl of Chester as “Mercy in Battle” and DODOR’s Sword of Office (also blunted point) for the Civil and Religious Laws as “Mercy in Justice”.
From Mendip Castle of Richmount Folkmoot to Commoners Courts to Sir Isaac Newton
The force of the FolkMoot cannot be underestimated “Lord Choke's Laws the Orders of the Mendip Miners” before 1465 – in the most opportune example here of the open air Assembly for the Mendip Hills called by the Exchequer Court of Edw IV – the Commoners of 10,000 people plus including 1 of 4 Lords is that of Harptree (Richmount Castle that took military service from Edmondsham) that called the Church and all People who lived and worked there in Medieval times creating also Commons for Cattle.
This Lord Chief Justice Chokke had one son and two grandsons at the time married to all 3 Hampden sisters (one of which also partner to William Knoyle but not determining the descent of Sandford Orcas) to narrow the Heritance of the Baro Minores to his grandson Thomas Chokke but no children thereafter, instead the Hampton Heiress married Sir (knighted because wife a Baroness) Thomas Newton by 1480 after Knights of the Shire by virtue of right to be entered in democratic elections for freeholders, this overlapped with military obligations for the Newton Baronetcy of 1660 and this Baro Minores at Harptree (& Barrs Court) providing the education and gentleman status for Isaac Newton knighted by Queen Anne. Harptree later passing to a branch of the Newtons for the female heiress Scrope dsp 1795 when Edmondsham became in capite of the Crown with mesne fee structure not immerged in the Crown as no conversion (still in 2018) under S.IV TAA 1645 amen 1660.
The people of Edmondsham contribution to the Heritage of Britain The Editor in Chief of the Domesday Book
For the continued British State ownership of land (little changed structure after 1086 except for Serjeantys and imposed Military Service) are records at 1066 given to HAT President of the Treasury and Editor in Chief of the Domesday Books written 1088 – 1092 (the first and last books in the Danelaw region unfinished by 1100 even with 11 plus assistant Chamberlains), the TRE records from Reignbald Chancellor where they had neighbouring offices at Milborne Port Somerset. HAT with ten or more other Chamberlains worked with Chancellor Girard at the Treasury Castle at Winchester, Ranulf fitz Turstin “Flambard” with his Scriptorium and Seal, the Survey from Hundred Court and Manor Court Records. Also HAT as the Treasury Serjeanty for the Western State
to serve the Honor of Cranborne (later Gloucester). People today still need to study in more detail the information within the DB for instance it solved the long standing question where did the Lovells of Castle Cary come from...they descend from Viscount Turstin of Cornwall at 1086 living at Crewkerne and Cricket St Thomas – this descent clear in my family tree.
The Third Crusade organised out of Bristol
Richard Orescuiltz as Treasury Clerk for the Honor of Gloucester organising the logistics out of Bristol for the Third Crusade wining a Crest at the Battle of Acre for capturing a King alive, his brother-in-law William f John II given authority from the Church to use the black Flordelisada (all Crusaders in battle wore black and silver designs) which is Britain's first Armorial Banner Seal in 1190.
Thomas a Beckett to Robin Hood
Matilda Orescuiltz, owner of Edmondsham, had as her partner William f John II grandson of Regent Magister William f John I – in 1170 overseeing Henry the Young King so sealing the young King's Writs. W F J I received the official Writ (via Hommet) at the Winchester Court with Household Knights from Henry II to arrest Thomas a Beckett – he promptly rode with Household Knights to Canterbury but was just 1 day late after the four unofficially tried to arrest and take Thomas a Beckett to Winchester. He retired from Public Life shortly after.
One family who made up the majority of those supporting Henry II mother was all Knights out of an Order from the Round Tower Church (quite different from the Round Church of Order of the Holy Sepulchre at Cambridge based on the Holy Sepulchre, quite different from the Round Church of the Templars based solely on the Temple on the Mount) at Ludlow Castle as the Goz, this Order refounded by Pain f John by 1137 on the separation of the Champion and Constableship eventually passed "Goz" to Fulk F Warin who was dispossessed of this Castle. William f John II was bound by an Oath of Allegiance (from his great Uncle) to Fulk f Warin phonetically Robin (both wives Marion) and Goz the reason he grew up at Court with King John, and so was obligated to follow the Outlaw “Warin Hood” both pardoned by 1204 but split away from Fulk after 1204 to form another Order of Knights “Cross Fleury Gules”. Little Britain is the area with pre-history “round houses” in Brittany and Ireland. Little Britain is where (indicated by the A-S Chronicle) Cerdic and his son Creoda came from. During the minority of the Champion and Constableship ca 1119/20 Henry I made temporary Champions Edward of Salisbury (Bremule) and Fulk f Warin’s ancestor from the Castle of Dinan – the home of the Brittany Champion.
Shields, Arms and Playing Cards to Chaucer's Knight
Walter Gourney living at Edmondsham ca 1280 having the first Shield with Crest on top used in a Seal.
Mathew Gourney as Comitatus of lands in Somerset and Dorset (that included Edmondsham by virtue of Harptree) the only Knight with 15 Battles in the Hundred Years War so qualifying as Chaucer's Knight in his Canterbury Tales humbled by his family loss of fortunes in 1330 – this Champion Jouster defining in 1390 the Richard II recreation of the Garter Knights 26 KG (spades black means swords) to joust 26 Knights (clubs black means fight sticks) (4 packs of Jousting cards 52 of which 13 Champion Constable Marshal and 10 constabulary) with 26 Ladies of the Garter (hearts red civil) and 26 Priests (diamond red civil) to mirror 52 that is the invention of Playing Cards 1391.
Edmondsham Court today
Removing the Norman layers of imposed serjeanties and military obligations (eg Rabayne at Edmondsham) to see the proper Land Tenure underneath has taken 20 years and £3000 in research but the matter is now unassailable for I have conclusively proved the Gourney Barony Major (>£100 relief, invited to Edw II Coronation 1308 as Premier Baron to the Honor of Glos Keeper of the Realm – the first Coronation list to exist) was a feudal Barony by Tenure temp Edw I that was then split into 2 sets of Head Fees by Thomas ap Adam (1325 refusing the Obligation of his Chancery Summons at 21 to be a Baron) by 1330 as a Baro Minores by Tenure (<£100 relief) to himself (alienated in 15th C. so cancelled) and as a Baro Minores by Tenure (“) to Thomas Gourney with military service only from Edmondsham and Stour – this Fee never sold, neither 1701 nor 1791, Harptree merged into the Crown 1803). Unfortunately for the Berkeleys when they surrendered lands to the Crown for the Marquessate, on the return grant of the same lands it was omitted to gain a Licence for the Dignity for Relief to be paid for Feudal Barony – this the reason for the failure to prove a Feudal Barony in the HL case in the 19th Century S.IV TAA 1645 amen 1660 (still law today) and S.X still law at that time (repealed 1967).
Edmondsham military and feudal Fealty Payments to Richmount Castle East Harptree (except for Ed.Schelin sold by the Servingtons to a common ancestor Hussey) has never been alienated to a third party or purchaser – the antecedent successor Dodo title to lands in 1066 from the Battle of Cerdices Leaga in AD527 – so has never lost it's Dignity nor been converted from Borough English
Socage to free and common Socage under the still law S.IV TAA 1645 amen 1660 (this law in fact preserves unsold Fee Stuctures from 1290 – the removal of the saving clause 10 TAA no effect on Dignities in general see S.96 IA 1845) - S.45(1)(a) AEA 1925 abolished “Ancient Borough English” the Norman Fee Grant still in the hands of descendants by virtue of Queen Matilda's Regency power of Appointment to HAT - today with the same Fee in capite structure as in 1290 with Open Common Land unaffected by the Commons Act 1965 and still law after the Land Registry time limits to register this Barony by Tenure with Licence confirmed in 1296 by the Grace of our Sovereign – this 1083 Grant in Blood and Land united – loved and cherished by it's present owners, so entitled to use it's Land Succession Shield after the end of the Upper Treasury Serjeanty in 1190.
By their own admission the College of Arms, through G Squibb Norfolk Herald “The Law of Arms in England” 1967, is no authority nor jurisdiction for Land Succession Shields nor Feudal Civil Office Arms assigned to the College of Arms (only after their date of formation do they deal with new or disputed changes to Shields after that same date of formation). It is entirely correct the same family simultaneously has a Shield under the Court of the Constable (always black and silver for Military Arms) by default this Court of Chivalry taking also Civil Court Arms - there is no prescriptive right to an individual for Feudal Arms (Mathew Gourney deciding the first formal Order of Precedence in 1399). This Court of Chivalry (civil and military) and High Court still today the only arbiter for Arms (the original Seal removed from the College of Arms for exceeding their authority). There must be many ancient boroughs out there and some land with feudal shields that are possible.
The next website
For the next instalment – the William f John II Order of Richmount breaks away after 1204 from Fulk f Warin Outlaws to pursue his own Order, and the Goz Family in Dorset (Normandy's second family the only Normans allowed to look after Edward Confessor as First Sword and Shield) as the Barony of Gouvix next to Falaise Castle for where the phrase “Oh my Ghosh” comes from – the first GHOST “geisa” is the “rage” of the chief Wolfcoat is his “wolf dance” for the link between this World and the next Viking world – the only thing a Viking scared of is the white “ghost” priest taking him to the next world – without the honour of dying in Battle and how they became William the Conqueror’s family and later in time how they put Henry II on the Throne. Goz were Champions of the Constables to the Dukes of Normandy. These 4 Titles separated by Henry I during the minority until 1121 of one of the Marmions. Goz sitting in the 12th
C. between the Spiritual and Temporal Council of Barons until replaced by the Master of the Templars in the 13th C., then Master of St John's in the 14th C.. The Goz Order of Knights based out of the Round Tower Church of Ludlow Castle the Title passed to Fulk f Warin and his Marian who is the real Robin(=Warin) Hood and Marion during King John's Reign. How Henry the Young King replaced the British Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Peverell holding the Holy Grail seised from Jerusalem in 1099 with his own Knights of Jesus Christ of the Holy Sepulchre starting in Britain in May – Sept 1177 both looking after the Grail at the Castle of Auretone and Whittingdon see redcrossengland.church.
The Author
The words of Mathew Gourney, friend and in-law of Geoffery Chaucer, and related as his blood nephew Sir Thomas Trevett that is the tale of Sir Topaz “Trivett” - Lady Trivett Lady of the Garter buried next to the Jerusalem Chamber in the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral – the “round table” of the Black Prince Knights. Chaucer’s real knight speaks to us for his enduring legacy striving to create something of his life after his family in 1330 lost nearly everything, speaks to me for we both have the same Land Succession Shield of Arms
Paly 6 Or and Azure, and my Heritage, speaking to his Host
“Ho, my good Sir, no more! exclaimed the Knight.....
As for myself, I take great displeasure
In tales of those who once knew wealth and leisure
And then are felled by some unlucky hit.
But it's a joy to hear the opposite,
For instance tales of men of low estate
who climb aloft and growing fortunate
Remain secure in their prosperity;
That is delightful as it seems to me
And is a proper sort of tale to tell” The End
To all those who really know me, where your Treasure is so shall your Heart be, consanguinity not sanguine, know my Land.
Did you know?
The Lovells of Castle Cary descended from Viscount Turstin of Cornwall
Did you know?
Edmonsham's Fealty Payments paid for Sir Isaac Newton's education.
Did you know?
A Folk Moot is an assembly or meeting of people from a particular district or shire.
Did you know?
Since 2002 the whole estate of 1500 acres is open access land.
Did you know?
Humphrey Aureis Testiculis was granted 25% of the Honor of Cranborne in exchange for treasury services to the King.
Briton's first armorial banner 1190. This is the actual deed giving land to Cistercians for passage on the 3rd Crusade
Briton's first armorial banner seal 1190. Features the black flordelisada
The Upper Exchequer treasury serjeanty Orescuiltz 1129-1190 Bristol and Winchester
Matthew Gourney Bible. Inside is his land shield, an 8-point star, and the same shield for his 2 wives.
The Folkmoot Crescent today. This is the site for the ancient Borough, then Hundred Court for the 10th century Albretesbeorg.
Bloodline Gourney-Moigne union to Berkeley, Quarterings are grandparents for the matters in 1330, co-Founders Patrons St Marks Hospital Chapel Bristol​
This is the seal on the first armorial banner in Briton (1190). The seal shows the black Flordelisada and is the seal for the Harptre land.
HAT and Goz Chamberlain and Secretariat shield
Edmondsham land arms 1190 to the present day. Chief for bailiff in fee, Gillingham Manor, Dorset 1360.
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Read the document explaining how the Earl of Chester Principality split off, from the Tamworth Castle (Scrivelsby) Goz Office, Champion and Constable of the Wolfcoats for Normandy & Britain, by marriage to the family of the Earls of Mercia
Fulk f Warin is Robin Hood. This book shows the list of outlaws in 1203 including William f John II of Harptree
Neolithic Calener